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  Developing Mindfulness 

Coming Soon

Who is this course suitable for ?

This course has been designed for those who wish to develop their understanding and practice of mindfulness. It is strongly recommended that participants have completed mindingu's Foundations of Mindfulness  as this course builds on content from that course. If, however, for some reason (e.g., you already have a strong background in mindfulness), you wish to complete this course without completing the foundation course, please contact the facilitator to see if this course would be appropriate for you.

What would I get out of this Course?

As with any course, the more you engage with it, the more likely you are to reap the benefits.  Our lives are so busy, time-poor and frantic.  We are often desperately juggling the pressures of work and family obligations with day-to-day living.  This course will develop further your understanding of mindfulness and help you make it more and more a part of your life.  Mindfulness has been shown to improve the quality of our lives in many ways.  It can improve our mental and physical wellbeing, improve our relationships, improve our performance at work and on the sports field, improve our creativity.   And on top of all this, our course will also give you much needed time and space to chill out and nurture yourself.  Our centre is set on 10 acres in the beautiful Ferguson Valley, only a 30 minute drive from Bunbury. So when you commit to the course, you are committing to something even more important: yourself.     

What is the course about?

This course has been designed to build on and consolidate skills learnt in the Foundations of Mindfulness Course.  The course covers mindfulness of emotions and thoughts as well as learning about self compassion.  A session on mindfulness of technology has been included by popular request.

Content of the Course


  • Mindfulness of Thoughts

  • Acceptance and Mindfulness of the Emotions 

  • The Noticing Self - Who are we?

  • Mindfulness of Technology

  • Self Compassion

  • Mindfulness in Daily Life

  • Mini MIndfulness Exercises

  • Concentration Exercises

  • Flexibility of Attention Exercises

  • Mindfulness Exercises

The course covers the following:

How long is the Course?

The course is 4 sessions each lasting 3 hours.  Running the course over 4 weeks enables you to more firmly establish a home practice.

Where is the Course?

The course is held in our beautiful mindingu Centre in the Ferguson Valley.

What is the Cost of the Course?

$595 including participant workbook and light refreshment

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