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About Lorna



Meditation Training​


Meditation teacher training at Gawler Foundation in Victoria  2013

Training with Ian Gawler, Paul and Mia Bedson

        Online group supervision with Paul Bedson 2014


Positive Neuroplasticity training with Rick Hanson


  ​Positive Neuroplasticity Foundations, Sydney 2015

       Professional Course in Positive Neuroplasticity, Sydney 2015


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

(Russ Harris)


ACT for Anxiety and Depression 

ACT for Beginners

Advanced ACT  

ACT for Grief and Loss

Happiness Trap

ACT Mindfully  

ACT for Perfectionism and People Pleasing  

ACT for Trauma

ACT for Adolescents 

ACT for Adult ADHD

ACT for worrying, obsessing and rumination 




ACTivate your Coaching for Beginners

Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 

Joint Professional Diploma in Life Coaching and Counselling

Mindfulness and Acceptance for Self Esteem

  ACT Immersion

Mental Health First Aid 

DBT Training

Integrating Mindfulness and Acceptance in CBT

Cert IV Clinical Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Massage

MA Hons

Dip Ed 



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