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Hello.  I am Lorna, founder and the main facilitator of the mindingu centre.  â€‹


I am passionate facilitator who creates a safe space for participants to take time out from the busyness of their lives for some nurturing “me” time and self development.  I am so honoured be a part of this precious journey with our course attendees.  


I have been teaching mindfulness and meditation for 10 years having completed my meditation training at the Gawler Foundation in 2013.  Since then I have completed extensive training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy becoming an Acceptance and Commitment Coach who uses mindfulness, values and goals to help people live their best lives.   I have additionally been lucky enough to train with Rick Hanson in Positive Neuroplasticity.  


A full list of my qualifications can be found by clicking here:

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The mindingu centre is set amongst 10 acres  in the Ferguson Valley.  Mindignu was formed in 2023 but has been years in the making.  

mindingu - What does it Mean?

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mindingu -Our Values

jigsaw piece with word integrity on it


We appreciate how hard it is to take time out of busyness of life and to commit financially.  Our aim to is deliver our courses and retreats with professionalism and care, providing real value.  This value goes beyond financial or time.  It is the possibility of real and lasting change based on sound scientific research.  

toddler hand giving dandelion flower to older person


Being kind to ourselves and to others, providing a safe, calm place for people to feel nurtured, valued and seen

man stands in the wilderness on mountain peak with other peaks in the distance


Being courageous ourselves in business but to also to nurture conditions for people to show up for themselves, take time for themselves, to be there for themselves,  to step out of their comfort zone all of which require courage

woman stands in front of a wall which has lots of ideas on it

Creativity and Fun

Creating interesting and fun content in our courses and how they are delivered

mindingu -Our Mission

  • Quality life education delivered simply and professionally in a fun, safe environment.

  • Mindfulness for real people, living real lives

  • Helping people to live their best lives.

  • Helping people to connect to what makes their heart sing.

  • Providing a calm sanctuary in a frantic world.

  • Creating the possibility of real and sustainable change through the use of research backed, up-to-date information

  • Committed to ongoing professional development so we can bring you the best possible information 

meet the team

Michel part of team
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Chief Support

Grounds Person



Main Facilitator

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